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A non-exhaustive list of self-reflective questions I try to employ at work when I’m feeling stressed, frustrated, defensive, sad, or generally any of the “ugh” emotions that we all cycle through to different degrees every day:

  • How can I learn from this?
  • What if I assume the best intentions?
  • What might they be (feeling/needing/missing) from me to make them think/say that?
  • Am I feeling defensive? Is my ego involved?
  • What does my body need in this moment?
  • Where did that thought come from? What’s causing me to feel this way?
  • Is there something I might be missing?
  • Can I articulate what I’m thinking/feeling?
  • What’s a more generous perspective?
  • Am I being both kind and truthful?
  • What’s within my control?
  • What’s the hard thing I’m avoiding? Why?
  • How do I want to show up next time?
  • Is this the real problem?

With Love,
