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Happy Sunday! I’m enjoying some time of my balcony this evening, but feeling strangely exhausted today so I’ve been taking it easy. Can I blame quarantine for being exhausted instead of the wine I consumed last night? It was a joint effort on their part at least?

Here’s a listicle to wrap up the week, one I’m sure I’ll have plenty more to add by the time this is over.

Lessons I’ve learned in quarantine (thus far): 

  1. There was a reason, for years now, that I have not kept an excess of chips or chocolate at home.
  2. The Greenbelt is more than a luxury, it’s a privilege and a blessing.
  3. Not even being bored in quarantine could make me pick up cooking or crafts. 
  4. Drink water. Drink water. Drink water. 
  5. Reset. Repeat. Reset. Repeat. 
  6. When all your plans get canceled, find smaller milestones to look forward to (case in point: movie marathons with friends).
  7. It’s best to stay in the moment. It’s hard to stay in the moment. (reset. repeat.) 
  8. Alcohol bought in bulk disappears in bulk. 
  9. I’ve lived for a while with work in-person and core family/friendships virtual. Now that both sides of my life are temporarily virtual, I’m not sure why I haven’t thought about flipping the coin sooner. 
  10. The Screentime app can officially go fuck itself. 

With Love,