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In my typical vacation preparations, I drag out my suitcase the night before, do laundry, and generally hope I have everything I need already in the house since there’s no time for errands with an early flight. This is a generally sound strategy for me, but this time — as my vacation to Maui approaches later this week — I found joy in starting to pack early.

It’s part of the magic of anticipation, extending the vacation long before it starts with small acts to prepare. Like shopping for a new swimsuit a couple of weekends ago. Or tucking the custom made t-shirts I got my family, third year in a row now, safely into the suitcase before anything else. I listen to Taylor Swift and while counting the days I’ll be gone (ten) and pulling my summer clothes off hangers. Never mind that it was as warm in Austin yesterday as it was in Kihei.

I tried some clothes on — the shorts and dresses I haven’t worn in sixth months — to make sure they still felt good to me. Last year I skipped this exercise and ended up having to shop for new shorts once already on vacation.

I also thought about the books I wanted to read — ordering a couple online to arrive early this week. God, the thought of reading a book on the beach for an afternoon . . . is there a more perfect pleasure?

Often I let vacations sneak up on me, almost not allowing myself to feel excited until it’s already in motion. This time I’m enjoying the build-up. Letting my mind wander to wine on the lanai or wearing a flowy skirt walking on the beach. I pack two such skirts in my suitcase.

With the packing mostly accomplished, save the books and accessories, I pull myself back to the present for four more days. Vacations are all the sweeter when thoroughly earned — and I do feel like I’ve earned one — but I don’t plan on phoning it in this week either when my daydreams of Hawaiian sunsets threaten to distract me. Soon enough.

With Love,
