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For all my love of remote work, I admit it’s nice to have in-person time with my team — especially for big picture, strategy discussions that need space and energy to work through. I mean, we’re all still exhausted now . . . but at least without the screen fatigue.

Last night I had to eat Dominos in my hotel room alone just to get some recharge introvert time. But it helped, and I slept, and I was able to show up with more energy today than yesterday.

We were able to get out of the board room today and do a couple of our discussions on the rooftop lounge — fresh air feels great and I’m enjoying the heat while I have it before heading back home.

Tonight, those of us who are staying here are eating a lowkey dinner at the hotel, and then hopefully I’ll have some more downtime and thinking time before we start again at 8 am. We decided to spend the morning together continuing discussions we couldn’t get through today. With any luck, I’ll be able to spend the afternoon doing independent work to plan and process in a cozy spot at the Central Library. We’ll see how it plays out.

I have . . . a lot to do. We all do. But the energy and focus and connection on our team is the best I’ve felt it in a long time. I’m feeling more motivated to dig in and collaborate and learn than I have in a while.

I am so tired still, but that’s a win.

With Love,
