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My quick bonus writing update today is my Twitter pitches for my second round participating in the quarterly pitching event #PitMad hosted by Pitch Wars. In these events, you pitch your book in 280 characters and if an agent/publisher likes it it’s a warm invitation to query them.

I participated in December with no bites, but have resolved to keep honing my query and pitch and keep putting myself out there to participate in the writing community. Today I went into it with much less anxiety and much more appreciation for all the support writers give one another. So even though it’s looking slow this time around too, I’m glad I did it (and will continue to – why the hell not?). Plus it’s a fun writing exercise to try to pitch in the limited Twitter character count.

Here are the pitches I landed on for today. For their brevity, they took me a long time to write:

ONE: After a year in foster care, 14 y/o Jack is done with trouble. He wants to bury the secret of his mom’s death, but as Jack falls for a boy for the first time, his past chases him down and he must choose to either face the truth or let it consume him. #PitMad #YA #CON #LGBT  

TWO: 14 y/o Jack must come to terms with his brother’s role in his traumatic past if Jack wants to invite trust, friendship, and first love into his life. Tiffany D. Jackson meets Benjamin Alire Sáenz in this queer story of healing and found family. #PitMad #YA #CON #OWN for #LGBT  

THREE: MONDAY’S NOT COMING x ARISTOTLE & DANTE. After an unspeakable tragedy, 14 y/o Jack moves in with his estranged dad. Jack wants to keep the secret about the Worst Day, but when his past catches up with him he must make a choice: confront it or let it consume him. #PitMad #YA #LGBT 

Here’s to putting ourselves out there and being part of a great, supportive community!

With Love,
