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My act of self care today: not watching another debate. Not that I don’t want to see Kamala kick ass, but the presidential debate last Tuesday has still left me feeling raw and so much more news has been piled on top of it in the last week. Since I’ve been feeling under the weather this week, I’m focusing on what I can and giving myself permission slips to not be my best.

Permission to leave the clothes in the dryer.

Permission to leave my socks on the floor.

Permission to eat one more serving of chips than I’m hungry for.

Permission to sleep in, lie down in the evenings, and not feel guilty for altering my running plan.

Permission to reread and rewatch and consume comfort in-between checking the news.

Permission to rest. Permission to be fallable. Permission to trust myself to put my habits and routines back into place when I am well. Permission to rest.

It’s a Brené Brown trick, the permission slips, and a good one. If we allow it, with intention, the waiting, unnecessary shame disappears. And we can give ourselves what we need to get better.

With Love,
