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For Cara:

Oscar Wilde said that life was too important to be taken seriously
But you are very important, and I take you very seriously
But also I understand what he means

Because the older I get the more I laugh
I wish that for you too
Thirty years old and decades of laughter ahead
Decades of more joy, of more surprises, of more fun

Decades of plants, and projects, and love, and family
Decades of knowing yourself, finding yourself, being yourself
Because You is a very important person to be
(To me, to us, to everyone who knows you, to everyone who would be so lucky)

May you save the fucking world, if you must, if you have to
(I hope the world knows what it owes you right back)

May you not have to save the fucking world
May you rest and laugh and create and be
Because you’re thirty, perfectly

Remember turning twenty-one, twenty-two?
And now we’re here
I’ve loved every year you’ve been alive
But I also love time
And how our own roaring twenties
Are finally memories

May our best years lie ahead
Because today you’re thirty
At last, perfectly thirty

Happy Birthday to a very important human.

With Love,