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I binged Partner Track over the last couple of days. It’s the new Netflix series based on Helen Wan’s novel about Ingrid Yun — a lawyer who’s trying to make partner at a high-powered New York firm. It’s a story of the American Dream, of ambition, of friendship, of justice . . . and also a love story.

Arden Cho stars alongside Dominic Sherwood (who played one of the leads in the show Shadowhunters . . . for my Cassandra Clare fans).

I found the whole show charming and addicting and I am hungry for the second season (which looks likely).

It was a good comfort show as I recovered from the emotional hangover of a class reunion but it had the substance to genuinely engage my attention and emotions. The tropey rom com set in a legal drama is really just the bait for a show that goes much deeper — unpacking things like the model minority myth, white fragility, and what justice really looks like. No spoilers though.

Would watch again.

With Love,
