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My dad and I ran the One Barrel “mini” marathon today — a 2.62-mile fun run that starts at the Egg Harbor Marina and goes down White Cliff Road and back. Unlike last year, when the run coincided with the first storm of the season and we were slipping all over the unplowed roads, today was perfect running weather. Sunny, in the forties, a little windy but most of the run was sheltered by the tree line.

We made good time on the short route, averaging an 8.58-minute pace . . . very good for me right now as I’ve been doing my normal runs much slower. The run felt great and in no time we were done and heading up the hill to the brewery for our free beer and glass.

This is only my second year participating in the run but hopefully we can keep doing it — it’s a fun local activity and got the day started on a great note.

With Love,
