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Before I opened the blinds this morning I knew: there would be snow on the rooftops. Despite the weather report yesterday that projected snow arrival later this afternoon, my senses told me it had arrived earlier. It had, inches were already gathering on the ground and the snow kept falling down.

This made participating in my first fun run since the pandemic a little more picturesque . . . and slippery. I did the One Barrel 2.62-mile fun run this morning, a “mini-marathon” put on by a local brewery. To be honest, I signed up mostly for the cool race sweatshirt, but I’m glad I got myself out into the snow today.

I’ve spent a lot of time not being in the community since moving here (for both covid and introverted reasons), but it was energizing being with my community this morning as we navigated a snow-covered White Cliff Road. I blessedly did not fall. And got a pretty good time for the icy terrain.

Afterward, we headed to the brewery for a free beer (with a novelty glass). My mom and I ran into some of our neighbors before the race and we joined up with them to catch up and I got lightly tipsy before noon. It was a lot of fun. Really, more fun than I was expecting. A good reminder to get out and do the things.

With Love,
