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Now is not the time to make a big decision.

Or so my informal tarot reading said a couple of weeks back. Pulling cards from a feminist tarot deck at my kitchen table. After a year of change and moves, I can agree. As much as I make plans, they are still fluid to me. The house I build in the woods. The kids I want to fill it. The business I daydream about or the career paths I could take or the books I could write.

Now, there is nothing to decide. It’s been a month, but my words for the year, Roots, continues to grow roots of its own. Preparing, grounding, growing, staying present, keeping perspective. It’s like meditating, when you find yourself distracted come back to the breath. When I find my mind buzzing from stress or jumping too far ahead, come back to the roots.

There’s a lesson I’m trying to catch the thread of . . . something around focusing on what’s important, being more discerning with where I put my time, finding a voice that is strong with the razors sewn in. My past coworker wrote a post reflecting on his ten years with my company, the lessons learned around not doing stupid shit and preventing the intense burnout. I want to know these things too. “Loving your work can carry you through hard times, but you’re on thin ice.”

All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted.

Saint Teresa of Avila

With Love,
