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The only time I ever see local TV news — or any TV news for that matter — is when I’m home with my parents. To my parents’ credit, they don’t watch it very often, but we had it on before dinner tonight and wow, whew, uffda, I hate it. Most of my news consumption is through reading articles and social media resources, supplemented by some dark humor from Trevor Noah or John Oliver. I have some measure of control then. Not in a half-hour news segment articulating the back-to-back horror we all already know of 2020, interspersed with political attack ads.

I actually think those should be fucking illegal. As a very unrefined political opinion, that we spend so much money on campaigning feels morally reprehensible to me. Back to back. Biden. Trump. Biden. Trump. Obviously I’m voting for Biden (and so are all of you, that’s the only way, team), but it’s with zero enthusiasm and 100% desperation. If this is the only way then fine. People are dying, so fine. Biden 2020.

My point — I really hate TV news and it plummeted my mood to a daily low. To be clear, I don’t think we shouldn’t be aware of hard, awful truths that are going on in the world — we absolutely must — but something about the delivery of TV news, the commercials . . . I can’t stand it. It makes everything feel so much worse.

It reminded me to email AG Daniel Cameron again, though. And now, for the first time since I moved, I’m just watching my own TV show, and laughing, before I head back to my condo (where there’s supposed to be internet there tomorrow? Pray for me.).

In conclusion, wear a mask, vote.

With love,
