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I got to play in our first full D&D session for a new campaign tonight, where I’m not the DM but a player. It was so much fun. Three hours of shenanigans and my character burned down a temple. It’s probably good I’m usually the DM, I feel very chaotic as a player but it felt good to laugh for a few hours especially after the heaviness of work this week.

Other events from the session:

  • I parkoured badly over a market wall. Twice.
  • We rescued a sheep who would be sacrificed, dyed him pink as a disguise, and now he’s our companion.
  • I spent a ton of time stamping around a fountain and over a table of godly offerings to try to find a door to a secret room below until eventually, the DM pointed out there were stairs right next to it.
  • I knocked out a guard in one punch.
  • I found the components for a Molotov cocktail and threw it at the temple library to cause a distraction (to save the sheep).

It’s definitely cut into my NaNoWriMo writing time for today, but I was just enough ahead that I’ve crossed the halfway point with 25K words, right on track. I’m looking forward to some longer writing sessions this weekend.

With Love,