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In our Maui adventures, my family drove along over an hour up the coast yesterday to go see the Nakalele Blowhole. I didn’t really know what to expect — some water shooting from the ground, sure — but the drive itself was spectacular as we wound our way to the windward side of the island. The fauna richer. A few rain showers slicked the windshield and switchback roads. The waves, even at a distance, crashed with force against the rocky shore.

Behind the wheel again, I drove us to the lookout point first where we were able to see the blowhole down below. The waves created pressure beneath the rocks and shot water up from the blowhole into the sky. After a windblown view, we moved just down the road to another entrance that would allow us to hike down closer. We bought some banana bread from the stand in the parking lot and scarfed down the snack before making our way down the unmarked trail. We only got a lost for a little bit and eventually descended down to the shoreline, again like a moonscape of lava fields. It felt like a different planet.

Eventually, we found the blowhole up close — we could see the lookout point crowded with people in the distance, but we were the only people down at the shore for most of the twenty minutes or so we watched in awe as the huge waves crashed on the shore and the blowhole shot water with varying power into the sky. We all got splattered with saltwater.

It was truly magnificent though, and a little terrifying to see that great rock opening suck water back in after it sprayed, knowing the danger if you got too close you’d get sucked in and be killed (we were all at a safe distance at all times). The waves make me feel that way too. Terrible and beautiful in their power all at once.

Before we left the site we saw humpback whales jumping out of the water just a little bit from shore. That combined with the blowhole and waves, in the warmth of the sun, was more than picturesque.

We hiked back out and went in search of food, spending the rest of the day eating at a great restaurant (and pie shop), finding a beach spot to unpack some lounge chairs and read, and getting cones from Island Cream Co. (officially trademarked “island cream” as a blend between ice cream and gelato).

It was a full day, and by the time we got home, we were only a couple hours away from our bedtime and collectively collapsed on our condo couch to watch Malcolm in the Middle as a family. Which is the best show, so all good things.

With Love,
