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It’s been six months since I started this writing project in step with my word of the year: Create. My first post was about my path to choosing the word and what it meant to me.

In that post, I brainstormed a list of “what do I want to create?” This morning I’ll do a quick check-in with where I stand on these ideas:

  • A blog – complete. The exercise of writing something every day has been the bedrock of my routine this year.
  • More stories – start a writing group? work on a script with my brother? – So far this year I’ve focused mainly on my novel-in-progress, doing writing accountability with my friend Lin (I am so excited because I have their first draft to read on my flight this morning!)
  • Mindfulness & Gratitude – I have continued to meditate every day, with my current streak at 18 months (and four days). I do think I could benefit from a more purposeful gratitude practice. In the past, I’ve created gratitude lists before bed.
  • A murder mystery party – Have not done this one and it’s not in the works right now . . . but wow does it still sound fun. This might be a good October project.
  • A trip to New Zealand – On this one, I’ve changed my mind. I was planning to do a solo trip this fall, but something was stopping me from fully committing. I realized that I wanted to go with two of my friends instead. I talked to them about it and we agreed to do an NZ trip together in the future. Now I’m looking at more domestic options for a getaway in the fall.
  • Deeper friendships – Two of my best friends (see above) and I had an incredibly healing, cathartic weekend in a cabin in the woods in Georgia. I am also spending next week with an Austin friend who’s coming up to Door County! Deep connection with others is one of my main values and motivators so this is still in motion, but I feel like I have a strong community growing around me.
  • Time for myself in the mornings – Complete and ongoing. Changing my routine at the beginning of this year to spend some time meditating, reading, writing, and exercising before work has helped keep me steady through other stressors this year. I don’t do this perfectly – my wake up time has slid from 5 to 6 recently and I’ve adapted going to the gym to doing exercise routines while catching up on The Daily Show – but rarely do I skip this time for myself altogether.
  • A strong & healthy body – Complete and ongoing. My exercise and eating decisions have been healthier than they have in years (perhaps ever). Right now I’m in the routine of routinely running 4 miles after work and look forward to it! I love being back in that space with running.
  • An amazing wedding ceremony for my brother and his fiancé – stay tuned, this is happening this weekend! The script is complete.
  • An open heart – This was a very vague item to brainstrom . . . how am I doing with creating an open heart? Better. Good. I believe I am more vulnerable to those I love right now. I believe I hold onto less shame and distress before I voice it. I believe that I am surrounded by love and have love in my future. It’s a good start.

With Love,