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I am twenty-seven today. My friend left me a voice memo this morning where she said that twenty-seven through twenty-nine is usually the time of our Saturn Return, a time of great change and transformation.

I’ve never heard of this before, and don’t stake much on astrology, but something about it felt true the moment she said it. I’ve been looking forward to these next couple of years in my late twenties more than I remember anticipating any other age. Seven is a magical number. Seven is an odd number. I do well with both.

I don’t know what my year of twenty-seven will bring. A little of everything, as usual, I expect. But I do know that today I woke up happy and at peace and with a little bit of reading and a little bit of dancing to Taylor Swift. I spent my morning getting a massage, had lunch at the library cafe while reading, and have chilled for a couple of hours by a window on the 5th floor of the library working on my writing. I might go home soon, go to the pool, go for a hike, take a nap . . . we’ll see. Tonight, I have plans with friends.

It’s a good, good life, isn’t it?

With Love,