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  1. Clean the goddamn apartment. Wipe down the bathrooms. Sweep the floors.
  2. Do all the laundry. Including the bedsheets. Do it right away after waking up.
  3. Exercise. Go outside on the trail.
  4. Eat fried eggs rolled up in lefse with red onion and cheese.
  5. Finish the Diet Coke.
  6. Drink lots of water.
  7. Put all the laundry away while listening to Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
  8. Light a candle and put in on the bedside table next to a fresh lime-flavored sparkling water.
  9. Leave the computer in the living room.
  10. Grab a notebook and a pen.
  11. Sit cross-legged, upright against the clean pillows.
  12. Have Alexa softly play the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack.
  13. Start writing.
  14. Start by writing what you want. Everything you want. Put it all down until what you didn’t know becomes clear.
  15. Write more. Draw a diagram. Make a list. Take a sip of water. Think. Write.
  16. When you come to a stopping point, stop.
  17. Go outside. Get the mail. Let it simmer.
  18. Drink more water. That’s important.
  19. Sleep on it.
  20. Come back tomorrow.

With Love,