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Maybe this isn’t my mountain
Maybe I’ve already made my climb
Maybe my flag has been planted
And there’s nothing else I can leave behind
So I should leave
Let better adventurers than me
Walk the paths that have worn blisters on my feet
But still – those paths were mine

Maybe this is just a snowstorm
Maybe this is the weather, changing by the day
Maybe all this hard-to-breathe elevation
Has me seeing the world in gray
Like a test
For how long life can be doused in monochrome
Before you give up and go home
Or give up and go onward

Maybe the road has been so long
The highs so high
The lows so strong
So our feet know how to climb
When it’s steep
So our eyes can see
That there are valleys
And there are peaks
A whole range of them
Volcanoes and forests
Quiet lakes, hidden glens
A map of a life
Beyond one mountain

With Love,