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Yesterday was the long travel day from Austin to Dallas to Maui! This is my second time visiting Hawai’i and I’ll be here with my family for the next nine days. You have to stay a little longer when it’s such a hike to the middle of the Pacific ocean. An eight and a half-hour plane ride from Dallas. I was able to meet my brother there (as he came down from Madison) so we could fly over together. We figured out last year that the very back of the plane has a couple of rows of only two seats together which suits our anti-social needs perfectly, especially for that long of a flight where there’s a good amount of spreading out and amassing trash and me checking the time to destination notification on the seat tv every half an hour.

We made it, my parents picking us up from the airport in their white mustang rental (they arrived the day before) and chauffering us to our rental condo in Kihei right across from the beach. Wes and I kept ourselves up just late enough to someone adjust to the jetlag and then passed out on our twin beds.

I’ve been looking forward to this vacation more than I usually do for travel. As I’ve whined a little on this platform, the past couple months at work have been particularly busy and I could feel myself getting burned out. But even on my first night here, my dreams were filled with work and deadlines, so I want to take a moment to clear some headspace and set some intentions for this week.

  1. I am going to be present with my family
  2. I am going to move my body — I can’t wait to go for a run along the ocean this morning
  3. I am going to read books that make me happy
  4. I am going to get full nights of sleep
  5. I am going to eat good food and eat when I’m hungry
  6. I am going to use sunscreen and drink enough water
  7. I am going to keep my morning routine of meditation, reading, and writing
  8. I am going to spend time reflecting on what’s important to me
  9. I am going to learn to drive this white mustang (her name’s Veronica)
  10. I am going to laugh and have fun and relax

I am always my best self at work when I have taken care of myself first and at the pace we’re moving I know I need this reset to truly bring my best.

I’m grateful to have the opportunity to spend so much time with my family in such a beautiful place.

With Love,
