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A running update, for those waiting with bated breath: I hurt my foot a few weeks ago and it seems to be plantar fasciitis. It means the arch of my foot hurts and gets more painful after runs. Sadly it doesn’t seem to be the pain you can run through, but rather the kind that has you limping on the road. I’ve taken some time off, tried a few runs a week apart, and the pain persists. I’ve done my research to know this isn’t an injury that heals quickly (unless six months is quick) and I’ve been trying to process what to do next.

Obviously, I know running isn’t the only form of exercise, but I love running. I had some pretty big plans for it this year and it looks like I’m going to be out for the count for a while.

I’m trying to muster the energy to change course but, to be honest, I’ve been grieving. I’ve put a lot of energy and work into being a runner these past couple of years so knowing I’m looking at a huge gap that isn’t due to a lack of motivation feels really painful.


I’m talking myself into joining the YMCA and starting to swim. Something I’ve never done a lot of but is good for this particular injury and good for you in general. Rewatching my favorite swimming anime, Free!, helps too. But it’s so much easier to just go out the door and run than it is to drive 15 minutes to the Y, change, swim, shower, drive back . . . that kind of sounds like a two hour morning adventure until it’s warm enough to just jump in the lake and go.

Biking is also an option that I already love — stationary biking is low impact too (but you have to wear a mask at the gym and I don’t know if I’m up for that). It should be warm enough to bike outside shortly.

Of course, there are all those exercises anyone can do on their living room floor but I loved the movement that came with running. The forward progression.

I can also walk. I don’t know why that seems the hardest option for me. Walking the same routes I used to go, but slower . . . But yes, I can walk with minimum irritation (I feel the injury, but it’s not crippling).

There’s only so long I can not do anything after expending so much energy running each day. It’s also really difficult to muster the motivation to change gears and start something from scratch. This is me, mustering. Wish me luck.

With Love,
