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No spoilers. But I finally got to Thor: Love and Thunder this evening. I braved the theater in Sturgeon Bay which I haven’t visited since pre-pandemic times, but I was surprised by how nice it was. Not fancy. No, I’m pretty sure this place hasn’t changed in a decade. It was a big deal that I could even buy tickets online ahead of time but those tickets weren’t emailed to me . . . I had to give the ticket taker my email address when we got there and then they printed the tickets out. And the concessions are the standard popcorn, soda, and candy. And no reserved seats so I have to be the monster I used to be and get to the theater very early.

It was nice in the sense that there were maybe a dozen people in the theater (6 pm showing on a Monday, sure, but Thor opened this weekend so I expected a slightly larger crowd, we had plenty of space to ourselves) and everyone was chill and into the movie. And there were no previews? Okay, there was one preview (I think? It must not have been very good because I don’t remember it). And then the movie just started five minutes after six without fanfare. In fact, with so little fanfare my mom and I both admitted afterward that we thought the opening scene was a trailer at first.

So maybe I’ll go to the movies again up here? On weeknights.

Again, no spoilers, but I really did love the movie itself. It was funny and entertaining and hit just the right vibe for a Thor movie, just like Ragnorak did. I would definitely see it again.

With Love,
