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Today, I’ve been a little emotionally hungover from writing and still running deprived (my knee didn’t love that I ran on Monday so I’m reluctantly resting still) and feeling just off. And a little teary. And uff da. I spent some serious time considering not going to work and just taking a day to get my shit together because everything is truly fine.

And I think mental health days are needed and valid, but today I went to work and after being grumpy for the first ten minutes had an out of the ordinary appointment: a call with one of our clients who liked my blog posts and wanted to talk to me to learn more about interviewing. He was kind and enthusiastic about improving his hiring process and I led him through a mock phone screen so he could hear what questions I asked.

It flipped my switch enough that I stayed engaged for the rest of the day. Though I’ll admit I had three Diet Coke’s which has left my brain a little fried.

I think the lesson here is to do something that uses my brain in a new way to snap out of some mini-depressive episode. And most days the answer is not crawling back in bed. Most days the answer is showing up.

With Love,