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It’s been three weeks since I’ve done a long trail run. Two weeks ago I did the virtual 10K and last weekend my normal trail was closed for Easter so I spent some time exploring a new trail much more slowly than usual, leading me to go back out for a second run to get the miles in later in the day.

But this morning the Greenbelt was open, I was awake relatively on-schedule, and I hope y’all aren’t sick of reading about running yet because it felt so good today. It was overcast and in the mid-50s for the run and the Greenbelt was unpopulated for the majority of the run. The few people I did pass were good about stepping aside or pulling a bandana from around their neck up over their faces as I came by. I felt a little guilty for not bringing my own to do the same during the brief seconds we were definitely violating the six feet of social distancing.

Inspired by the new routes I’ve tried in the past week, I decided to take a different fork around the 3.5-mile mark. Technically it actually leads me along the primary Greenbelt trail where usually I branch off on the Violet Crown trail. I’ve been thinking about exploring the other half of the main trail since I ended up at the far trailhead last weekend. I feel so blessed to live next to all this expansive green space. The new path was beautiful, running along the creek bed, and actually much flatter than my normal climb at the turnaround point.

The whole ten miles felt good. Sure my legs got sore (they were running ten miles, after all), but I wasn’t in pain and most of the time I wasn’t thinking about my body at all. It was doing its job and I was free to enjoy the outdoors while listening to Lindy West’s book The Witches Are Coming.

It’s been difficult not having a specific running goal since I did my half-marathon in early March. All the runs I was considering have obviously been canceled and while I am planning to try for a marathon in the fall, that’s still pretty far out. That’s one reason I did my schedule I wrote about yesterday, to plan my exercise like training even though I don’t have a goal yet. To maintain fitness and hopefully get stronger in order to feel more prepared to start actually training when I do have a goal.

Also I seem to be much happier when I’m running consistently. And I am all for prioritizing happiness right now.

Now I’m free to sit in my armchair the rest of the day and dive into my second weekend of Spider-Man movie marathons.

With Love,
