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Look, the truth is all I want to do is talk about My Hero Academia again . . . this is the long cycle of my fandoms. In an effort to distract myself from one so I can function (*cough* Spider-Man *cough*) I end up rekindling another and then I get in too deep there and eventually will have to extract myself and on and on until I remember how amazing Spider-Man is and go down that rabbit hole all over again.

The list is not endless. I love getting really into things, but there is a manageable amount of things I love that I keep coming back to. Spider-Man, Merlin, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Voltron, She-Ra, Miraculous Ladybug, Haikyuu . . . to name a few. There are books too: Percy Jackson, Six of Crows, Raven Cycle, Carry On, All for the Game (and HP, but we are on an indefinite break, fuck you very much JK).

And it’s always such a rush to find a new one — that’s what My Hero Academia was for me last year. Bright and shiny and new and something I knew I would be obsessed with for the rest of my life. This is my first official (long, obsessive) revisit to the fandom cycle since last summer. Can’t want to get that “Plus Ultra” tattoo someday.

I wish I could bottle that feeling I get when engaging with pure, powerful storytelling. It’s like a concentrated dose of all of life’s best emotions, and in my content, it’s the inspiring ones: motivation, love, purpose. Just like when I was growing up, the stories still shape me. I have a post-it note on my desk right now that reads “What would Kacchan do?”

For the record, Katsuki Bakugo, aka Kacchan, would fucking win.

And sometimes you just need that energy in your day.

With Love,
