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Mario Party isn’t a game I play nearly as often as Mario Kart, but it was still a staple of my childhood.

Specifically, Mario Party 4 for the GameCube. There was probably a time when I played that equally with my brother and friends. It’s an easy social game because it’s basically a board game you’re playing with Mario characters, interspersed with competitive and cooperative minigames.

I got the newest Mario Party game last for Nintendo Switch but I haven’t dusted it off much. Tonight, though, I played a round with my Austin friends. That’s the other nice thing about it — just like Mario Kart, there’s online play so it’s a good way to get on Zoom call and chat while having an activity.

Although tonight taught me if I ever want to be good at Mario Party, I probably need to play more often. Those minigames kicked my ass. I still ended up in second, just behind the computer player. It’s a four-player game so if you don’t have enough people you have to get assigned a computer player. And they are too strategic for our own good.

Still, for staying connected to friends afar, Mario Party gets five stars.

With Love,
