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Some mixture of leisure time, anxiety, nesting, and manifestation has me spending a lot of the day looking up baby items. Making lists. Researching items. I watch product videos on WubbaNub pacifiers and infant loungers. I revisit the cloth vs disposable diaper research spiral. I look up care instructions for newborns. I do it all while watching Supernatural in the background.

There’s no news on the adoption front — I’m in the long wait for something to happen, if anything does happen at all. But I must’ve woken up with baby on the brain today and making a baby shopping list is one way to manage anxiety.

In between all this, I finish my book (Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World), go for a walk (it’s chilly, but sunny and that makes the difference), and finish listening to my audiobook (Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler). I eat a lot of leftover pizza. I read endless reviews on car seats and strollers. Then, I close all the baby tabs for now, for tonight.

With Love,
