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Are we all feeling lots of feelings this week?

Between the news and work and wiping out on my run this morning (I’m fine, but ouch), stress management can seem like it is its own full-time job. To be honest, I don’t know what to say or what I can give right now.

I would tell everyone to watch AOC’s IGTV from last night. I would tell everyone to find moments of distraction and connection, like playing a round of Mario Kart online with friends or, if you’re very lucky, sitting in a hot tub and looking at the stars. I would tell everyone to be kind to themselves and what they need and how they can show up. I would tell everyone to show up instead of shutting down.

I would tell everyone to meditate. To read. To run. To rest. To focus on what you can control. To do the dishes. To not sweat the small stuff. I would tell all of that to myself. I’m trying.

I would tell everyone to think of what’s timeless and lasting, the rivers carving out canyons, the constellations . . . stories as old as life and mysteries we will never uncover. For a moment, disappear into it. Then come back to earth and take a hard look at what we owe to each other.

I saw a picture this week that reminded me of my word of the year, Roots:

I hope we growing. As a people. I hope we just can’t see it yet.

With Love,
