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I love that I see deer nearly every day now. When I run the quiet roads in the morning. Or this evening out for my walk, not a soul around except for two deer on the side of the road. I’m ten feet away walking past and they barely twitch. Sometimes when I pass I wave at them, we meet each other’s eyes, then move on. It makes me smile.

More so, after I spend eight hours in an all-day planning meeting over Zoom. My eyes bugging out and my temple starting to pound by the final hour. I am the queen of movie marathons, comfortable working virtually, but the days where it’s a constant close-up stare at your face is draining even for me.

So I escape to the outdoors and breathe in the autumn air, listen to a podcast, pass by my deer, and let myself feel as happy as I am. The podcast in on physical spaces, on how they shape us and breathe life into our prayer, our music, our health. Through my headphones, I hear the wind rush through the trees and I feel shaped by the canopy they create along the road leading to the water. I feel shaped by the sound of the birds’ speakings and my feet shuffling along pavement then gravel then back again. I feel shaped by the deer who don’t run away while I pass by and shaped by the bench on the shore where I sit cross-legged and meditate to the sound of the waves.

My meeting fatigue lasts into the evening, but so does that sound of wind and look of the deer.

With Love,
