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The days feel long in Hawai’i. Probably because I got up at 4:30 in the morning and sit out on the lanai for a couple of hours until the sun rises. It’s clear enough to see the stars. And I do some work and some reading as the sky slowly lightens.

By eight o’clock were at the hiking trailhead. Down through the lava fields to the black sand beach. We did this hike last year but switched up the route today and explored a little further. We hike for three hours as the morning warms up but by the time we’re done and back home it’s not even noon.

Time enough to walk to lunch at King’s Market. Then to get gelato. Dark chocolate and salted caramel. Plenty of time to come back home and read and relax the afternoon away on the shaded lanai with a pineapple soda.

A long day in the best way.

When the sun goes down, we’ll go to sleep.

With Love,