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I employed some Brené Brown wisdom this week when I was employed in a monthly-least-favorite task for work. Long story short, I was feeling frustrated (to put it mildly) that at first, that was starting to manifest negatively towards others. Later, in a moment of silence, I asked myself “what’s really going on here?”

That quiet voice inside me answered, “You’re feeling shame.” When I sat with that I realized I was really worried I wasn’t doing a good job, didn’t know enough, was totally incompetent. Those are hard things to sit with, but naming them for myself allowed me to physically take a breath, and reframe the problem. Specifically, reframe the emotions I had around it so they weren’t directed at others and start actually working the problem to get the work done.

The work was still frustrating, but figuring out what was going on inside my body helped me dissipate the shame and move forward.

Little reminders.

With Love,
