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There are a few things I love about staying at my brother’s house, apart from getting the opportunity to see my brother and sister-in-law.

One, obviously, is that there is Grubhub delivery. I love a good club sandwich from Firehouse Subs just showing up at my door. All those Grubhub credits my company gives me and I can never use back home, I make up for in Madison.

Two, is that I can visit my grandparents (Nana & Bumpa). Wes and I went to see them tonight with Sugar River Pizza in tow. We ate, caught up, and Wes showed Bumpa how to work a nifty machine that digitizes old photo slides.

Three, is that they have a very good remote work setup. With both of them at their respective office during the day, I can use their desk and second monitor without worrying about being too loud on calls. Sometimes the cats wander in almost but not quite keeping me company.

I’m a homebody at heart, but I’ve stayed in their guest room enough it feels like home. Oh — four, the mattress pad Wes put on the bed this time. I love a cushy mattress.

With Love,
