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This is maybe my favorite thing about my condo: I don’t own a hamper.

For the first time in a long, long time I have a washer and dryer in my unit. And as it’s just me . . . I just put my clothes in the washing machine and then run it when it’s full. It’s a bit of fucking miracle and a small piece of happiness right now.

I’ve never been one to let laundry pile up for weeks on end, but for the last two years, I’d been hauling my load up and down a few flights of stairs. Sometimes just to get to the communal laundry room and see there were no washers free. Not to mention the quarters I used to need to stockpile, or, when they upgraded the machines, that time I got my credit card stuck in the slot and had to call maintenance.

It’s probably clear I’m not a laundry perfectionist (“what about separating your colors, Natalie???” No, that’s never really been me), but having in unit laundry is making me a better person. Well, okay, a cleaner person. I wash my sheets every couple of weeks instead of every . . . whenever . . . now.

I’ve always found laundry a meditative act. I usually listen to music or watch a show when I fold and now that I work from home it feels double productive to be knocking out meetings while the laundry runs in the other room.

It’s the little things, team. Let’s find all we can to be grateful for.

With Love,
