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Last full day in Hawai’i. It was a rainy one, as we expected, so we had a quiet, restful day at our place. I still managed a drizzly run in the morning and then spent time starting a new book. We got pizza for lunch and my mom and I began watching a new Netflix show — “The Law According to Lidia Pöet” — which I can already highly recommend.

There was a card game, leftover pizza, more reading, a couple of episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Laundy, checking in for flights that leave tomorrow evening, a Hawaiian beer.

Oh, and a turkey.

When we came back from a short trip to the market in the late afternoon I walked in to see a huge turkey standing on the table on our lanai. We had seen some turkeys around but not a lot and not on our lanai in the two weeks we were here. He proceeded to hang out as we got a closer look (and my dad threw him some peanuts so he was incentivized to chill for a while longer). I don’t know the last time I’ve seen a turkey close up like that — he’s clearly a little domesticated. His name is, predictably, Tom.

Tomorrow we’ll check out by late morning, spend some time in Kona, and then take a red-eye flight home. I’m excited to see my cats again and it’s always nice to come back to your own bed, but I’ll miss the time spent in Hawai’i. The spectacular hikes. The time to read and think. The time away from work. The sunshine . . . the warmth and sunshine have been so needed.

Here’s to hoping spring comes a little early this year in Wisconsin.

With Love,
