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Warm and sunny for late November, the wind over Lake Michigan creates giant swells like water in a very, very big bathtub. The trail from Cave Point to Whitefish Dunes has outlooks every other step where the waves shoot spray into the air and we linger as we walk.

At one point, with the sun at just the right angle, the water creates a rainbow each time it crashes against the rocks. Again and again. A dozen rainbows in a minute created for us. It’s just sunlight and a good atmosphere. It’s just light entering the water, slowing and bending on the journey until it reflects off the inside of the droplet and separates into all its colors. When the light leaves, a rainbow follows.

It’s just science. Nature. And yet — a small miracle.

That’s the best gratitude I can think to give today and the best wish I have for all of us: that we all get to see rainbows created before our eyes and that they linger long enough for us to really look.

With Love,
