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Insomnia knocks
Two nights in a row
Two hours, three, four
Lying in the dark
Getting up to read
To adjust the A/C
To watch a show
Every hour I cannot put my mind to rest

It makes for a tired start to the weekend
Where I get up early enough
To drive to Madison
And spend a rainy day shopping
With my family

Tonight, we will eat dinner indoors
My first time since this all began
But we’re vaccinated
Even though it’s jarring thinking I can be in public
With my chin bare
I have to try
Believing in science
Means believing it when the masks can come off too

I get to order wine at a restaurant
What a novelty

I hope it will help me sleep

When I try to sleep
I tell myself stories
The made-up kind
But my brain sticks
To the real ones
Meditate, have a beer, read a chapter
But 1 am is not the time
To dig into the roots

I know well enough
That these days pass
If you keep your eye on the compass
Twist and turn though I may
I’m still going north — forward