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I spent the morning hiking with my parents down to the Kiholo Bay Black Sand Beach. I’ve never been to a black sand beach before and it’s quite mesmerizing. The beach cuts off to the lava fields that spill into the ocean. After hiking two miles in, we spent some time resting and taking in the view before carrying on.

We explored on our hike back walking along the beach until we came across the Queen’s Bath, a couple of pools of water that flowed down from the volcanos to create a mix of fresh and saltwater. We didn’t come prepared with our suits, but apparently you can jump into these cave pools and swim underground. In the right condition, you can take a snorkel and be able to see the line of salt and fresh water meeting clearly.

Continuing down the beach, we found a bay with dozens of turtles just offshore, floating in the surf. Occasionally one would stick a fin up, like a wave, or pop its head above water.

It was a hot hike as the day heated up, but the varied landscape and ocean breeze made it a rewarding one. Five miles, three hours in the sun, now we’re recharging and rehydrating before lunch.

Oh, and we also saw a lot of wild goats!

With Love,


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