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I got a new computer today! Or rather, I ordered one last month, it arrived a few days ago, and this morning I was finally home and had time to set it up. I hadn’t been planning to get a new MacBook, but after my brother briefly had to use my computer while filming our company event in June, he promptly recommended a new computer with all the specs I needed. (It had been behaving quite slow and badly . . . and randomly shutting off and screaming the fan at me all hours of the day . . . quirks I blame on my own mismanagement of laptops.)

The new Macbook Airs came out in July so I ordered one. If you’re curious, here are the specs Wes recommended:

In theory, the extra processing power and storage will let me run more applications simultaneously, something that I do need for work. I like to use my personal computer for work as well — I just have separate logins/profiles — so I think I’ve been burning my last computer out.

The best part of a new computer (and any new device) is of course naming it and getting everything properly on theme. (You may remember my last computer was named Tobio Kageyama after a character in the volleyball anime I love).

My new mac (and in the new color, “Midnight”, that Apple offers) is named after another anime character: Katsuki Bakugou from My Hero Academia. (Or Bakugou Katsuki if I’m following the Japanese style of putting family name before given name; I tend to Americanize.)

Getting a device on theme involves:

  • Officially renaming the device
  • Picking a desktop wallpaper (one for work profile, one for personal)
  • Picking a screensaver quote from the character (one for work profile, one for personal)
  • Changing my google chrome accent color (I went with green this time, it goes with Katsuki’s hero uniform)
  • Putting a decal on the outside

Here’s what I have right now for my personal profile’s wallpaper (I have two, since I often swipe between two desktops):

Here’s my work one (keeping it professional by being less shipping-focused):

And here are the two Bakugou quotes I picked for the screensavers:

  • Personal: “If all you ever do is look down on people, you won’t be able to recognize your own weaknesses.”
  • Work: “Show us with your actions, not your mouth.”

And here’s my decal on the outside:

So I’m having a lot of fun.

With Love,
