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It’s Katie’s wedding day! Katie and I first met our freshman year of college . . . part of the STAR Floor crew. And now, nearly twelve years later, I’m back in the Boston area to celebrate this new milestone. We all feel old, right? But in a good way.

I am very bad at staying in touch with most college friends, but through our virtual writing accountability groups this past year Katie and I have been able to connect more regularly. Of course, she remains one of the kindest and most creative people I know.

Katie at Lin & Cara’s wedding in March 2022

And she is so loved — not only by me and her friends and her family — but in that coveted romantic sense that means we can to pull out all the stops and show up with bells on to celebrate her romance. (Although my dress sadly does not have literal bells, though now I’m regretting that.)

I haven’t been to many weddings, relatively, and this is the first one in a long time where I’m truly just a guest. No officiating. No wedding party. No family wedding so being assigned random tasks. It’s kind of disorienting honestly but it’s also nice because I’m basically just showing up for a party.

In honor of Katie, here’s a poem I love from The Gift by Hafiz:

All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,
‘You owe me.’
What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.”

With Love,
