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My nephew, Kai, came up to Door County for the first time today! He arrived with my brother and sister-in-law just before dinner. My heart feels so full spending time with him. Luckily we get near-daily pictures of him from afar, but seeing that smile in person is something else. He’ll be three months old in a couple of days and he’s already grown so much. It’s wonderful to see him experience the world — he’s very into lights and fans.

I walked around with him to give him a tour of the cottage and my dad’s bonsai trees. He sat with us in his bouncer on top of the table while we all enjoyed enchiladas (my favorite meal), only fussing when he got hungry himself.

Does everyone feel this much joy in becoming an aunt? I love it. I want to spoil him to pieces. Luckily he’s here for a while so we’ll have more time to hang out and bond. Look at his cute face! I also think he looks so much like my brother. My heart.

With Love,
