A coworker gifted me a Human Design reading that I had yesterday. I don’t really know how to explain Human Design — it felt like a mix of a birth chart reading and an energy reading of your body. It involved my birth date and time, like a birth chart reading, and a chart I don’t fully know how to read, also like a birth chart reading.
I really enjoyed it though! I love when people tell me things about myself and a lot of this resonated. For those who are more familiar than I was — here’s a snapshot of part of my profile:
According to my sheet: “Projectors are here to advise, lead, and guide after the development of expertise while waiting for “your people.” They are sensitive to their environment and are not designed to work to exhaustion. They are the most complex energy type and often do best in 1:1 interactions. They watch from above wanting to understand people and systems. When recognized and invited they become the elected leader/guide. Typically needs more sleep and rest.”
We talked about so much more that I also don’t know how to recap here — my defined and undefined centers. My explorer and visionary profile. My incarnation and genius cross. Apparently, I have the right angle of the vessel of love.
It was all really engaging even though I don’t understand a lot of it. The interesting part is the invitations and advice it offers. It feels like when I’m drawing a tarot card. What comes up for me? What message resonates with where I am? How can I use this information to better myself?
With Love,