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After our Pluggies party for work last night, my parents picked up takeout from a local restaurant (Fireside) and we met at my place. Still sans internet, my folks wanted to help me spend time there by having dinner, watching a movie, and hanging out with my cats. It was a good choice. I devoured my chicken and waffles (a bold choice for someone only a week out of Texas, but they were pretty good), and cracked open a beer which we combed through the couple of DVDs we’d brought over.

In the end, we landed on High School Musical, which is hilarious choice for a grown daughter to watch with her parents but it’s a classic of my generation that I genuinely enjoy (and so queer…I feel like we’ve talked about that before here…).

I love my new place, I really really do. But without the internet and without all my stuff (cross country movers take their time), I haven’t spent that much time there. But I’m slowly making it a home, and last night was part of that. Today, I switched my cell service so I now can at least get online (and people can reliably call me) at my condo since my past carrier was virtually a dead zone there. Little by little, meal by meal, night by night that Arthur comes out from his hiding spot under my bed . . . that’s how homes are built.

With Love,