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Early this morning I found myself watching an episode of Hot Date, Emily Axford and Brian Murphy’s sketch comedy show about romance and relationships. It had two seasons back in 2017-2019. I get a lot of Emily & Murph in my life — they are both amazing D&D players and Dungeon Masters I know from Dimension 20 and Not Another D&D Podcast.

While I’ve heard them plug Hot Date before on older episodes of Naddpod, I’d never explored it (after all, it doesn’t have anything to do with D&D and that’s where my primary interest lies).

But last night I found myself watching a bunch of short YouTube clips of the show before bed. When I woke up way too early this morning I watched a full episode before the sun came up. Emily & Murph are real-life husband and wife and play a heightened version of themselves, among other characters, in the sketches.

Sadly the show that was once on Netflix is now behind a paywall (on Apple, Youtube, and Amazon…) — I paid $2 for an episode this morning but it was worth the laugh. I suspect I’ll go through the two seasons sporadically when I need something light and funny.

You can check out the trailer to get a vibe for the show:

With Love,
