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Jenna and I spent the first part ot the day cathing up and revisiting childhood memories as we walked around New Glarus. We found a trail just south of town at the base of the state park that didn’t exist when we were growing up. It was a short loop through a prarie where we first found a statue of a bison — the sign instructed us to take photos and give it a name. His name is Gerald V (as in ‘the fifth’).

We also found a wooden swing where another walker kindly offered to take our picture.

We wound our way through the small downtown, browsing a few stores and stopping for a while at the Village Park before heading over to the Glarner Stube for lunch. Which was delicious. Rösti, wow. Now we’re back at our hotel for a break before meeting people from our class at a bar later this afternoon.

I hope this evening will be fun, but this right here — time with Jenna — was enough of a reason to make the trip. Here’s to true lifelong friends.

With Love,