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I have a deck of quote cards on my desk that I rotate through. This week’s quote: “Joy is not in things; it is in us” by Richard Wagner.

Here are some things that stoked the joy and gratitude within me today:

  1. A seventy-degree June day means two walks, soaking up the sun.
  2. Arranging my office space in Sister Bay (I finally moved up the waitlist and got a private office after having just a general desk for a while in the coworking space. I’m hoping to use it more now in the future).
  3. I started listening to The Fifties: An Underground History by James R. Gaines. The first section had so much LGBTQ+ history from that decade that I’d never heard — Harry Hay was a new name to me.
  4. Also subscribed to the podcast Worlds Beyond Number and listened to episode zero . . . excited to dig into another great storytelling podcast with people I love (This one is with Brennan Lee Mulligan, Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, and Lou Wilson).
  5. Sitting in the quiet on a bench on my dock this evening.

My intention for this coming week: “Hold Steady”

With Love,