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I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and pounding head that carried into today. It looks like I caught something from my one-year-old cousin, but we’re both negative for covid so far. Hopefully, this is just a short cold and not the start of me being very dramatic about being sick for a week.

After those years of isolation and not getting sick, my body still feels like it has no immunity built up.

I worked through the morning but ended up rearranging my calendar so I could take the afternoon mostly off. I hopped on for a quick reference call and checked my email, but my brain wasn’t really processing anything. So I watched some TV and played Zelda and my mom brought me dinner and dessert which was very good.

The crappy thing about being sick though is that you don’t really enjoy all those really good things because you’re just trying to distract yourself from the burning in your throat and how standing up makes you dizzy. It’s very unfair.

I’ll take a NyQuil tonight and cross my fingers I’m a little better in the morning. Barring a turn for the worse, I’m planning on pushing through work until the weekend.

But this is probably just one of those totally normal colds that only lasts for a day and then totally disappears. That’s a thing, right?

With Love,
