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I finally watched the Netflix show, Heartstopper. It aired months ago but I wanted to read the graphic novels first . . . which I bought . . . and then let wither on a shelf. But in an effort to “feel like a person after being ill” yesterday I read the first two volumes out on my baloncy. Turns out that only takes an hour so I’ve been blocking myself from a great show for months because of a sixty-minute reading commitment of a very good comic.

The first two volumes are what’s covered in the first season of the show (the second season is confirmed), so I was able to start watching last night. And . . . with only eight thirty-minute episodes . . . I’m all caught up.

Essentially this is a very sweet British queer love story . . . about coming out and first love and figuring out life and friendship and yourself. It has enough angst to keep it interesting for me, but the core relationship is all fluff. Like a big hug.

If you’re interested in the comic (it started as web comic before being turned into graphic novels), you can actually read the story online:

I wanted to collect the volumes, but I only have the first three so I may do the online versions myself.

It was a great show . . . and in some ways a nice emotional shift after my binge of A League of Their Own over the weekend (wow, I ugly cried, it was so good).

Heartstopper was excellent, though. So . . . better late than never?

With Love,
