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I made it to Hawaii! It’s been a long day of travel–and one flight delay for my first flight that could have really messed the day up but luckily I made my connection. I landed in Kona, my parents picked me up, and I’ve gotten settled in our rented townhouse. It’s very nice and bigger than we expected. I have my own bedroom and bathroom and an office space I can use in the loft for this week.

My brain is very tired, so I’ve been mostly mush as my parents gave me the tour around the area and we grabbed pizza from the market across the street. We ate outside. Because it’s beautiful outside all the time here. I cannot wait for my brain to not be mush tomorrow so I can enjoy the sun.

I also met the cat who stopped by the lanai. We’re calling them Suki.

I’m ordering my brain to stay up for the next hour-ish so I don’t completely ruin my sleep schedule. But then, hopefully, I can sleep through the night and be refreshed to enjoy the weekend. And this vacation. I’m feeling very lucky and grateful to even have this opportunity: in Hawaii with my family for two weeks in February. I’ve had a lot stressing me out, but every time I take the tiniest step back I see that this is a good, good life.

With Love,


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