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Our women’s group had a book club discussion last week on Glennon Doyle’s Untamed. I read her book immediately after hearing Brené Brown’s podcast interview with her last month and have since claimed her as another spiritual master. This book both punched me in the gut and soothed scars I didn’t realize I had. It was beautiful and brutally truthful. It’s about her own story and self-revolution own self-revolution and finding

Look, I was rereading a bunch of quotes to put here for you and I got lost in it again because there wasn’t a chapter in this book that wasn’t worth repeating. I’ve since listened to multiple podcast interviews (Armchair Expert is another great one with her in which Kristen Bell co-interviews; also Queery with Cameron Esposito) just so I can hear her stories and get more of her brain in my life. On her Instagram, she started doing “morning meetings” every day, short and casual videos where she tells stories and shares thoughts in a way to be of service since COVID-19 hit hard in the U.S.

When I listened to her speak with Brené that first time she tells the story about a cheetah (that also opens her book) that brought me to tears in my kitchen. I wouldn’t dare replicate it here now to rob you of the power of hearing it for the first time in her own words. But it’s about the wild in our hearts. It’s about the wondering ‘is this all there is?’ and realizing you are not crazy for wanting more.

So we had a pretty kick-ass book club discussion about it. We talked about cultural norms, how we were raised, sexuality, racism, parenting, womanhood. The women of my company are comfortable getting vulnerable with each other (bless) and the conversation got real.

Okay, here’s one quote:

“The truest, most beautiful life never promises to be an easy one. We need to let go of the lie that it’s supposed to be.”

Glennon Doyle

Please read this book and talk to me about it.

With Love,
