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We hosted a “Happiness in the Workplace” lunch and learn at work today, led by one of our coaching consultants. I let it wash over me as I admittedly did some work during it and then got caught up putting in stats for a homebrew D&D monster (watch out, my players . . . kidding, I have no idea what I’m doing). But still, the familiar positive psychology content is a good reminder.

Find purpose. Build resilience. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Literally, we practiced a breathing exercise and talked about starting meetings with a short breathing exercise to refocus. Why does everything seem to come back to our damn breath?

(I know, okay. But sometimes simple answers are frustrating.)

If I could add my own tips, I’d tell people to watch this Ted Talk, one of the favorites that I reference often. I’d also tell people to laugh. Find and create levity. Don’t take it all too seriously. Care about the work but put it into perspective. I found myself getting upset about creating onboarding schedules and mismatched calendars this week . . . annoying but honestly, not a big deal. Breathe. Laugh. Move forward.

If I were to add my own tips, I’d tell people to find joy in other areas of their life so work tip the scales too much . . . and it’s easier to find happiness at work if you can find happiness in life.

I’d remind people that happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a practice, it’s an ebb and flow and that there are equally important things . . . and we are back at purpose and to learning and to growth and to practicing our values every day.

My focus was distracted today, but that’s my own ebb and flow. I give and then rest and try again. The ‘try again’ is the resilience part. The facilitator says that resilient people are either up or getting up. I like that, but, to paraphrase Glennon Doyle, at times I also need to pause on the landing before I keep climbing the stairs. This week that looks like Bridgerton Season 2 rewatch. This week that looks like insomnia. This week that looks like whiskey.

You’re up or you’re getting up. Breathe.

With Love,
