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The close of a long weekend. The start of a new month. I’ve needed a reset this weekend and I’ve mostly gotten it. Time with my closest friends. A clean home. Red wine. A fireworks show over the harbor. Strawberry pie. Walking with my mom. Kayaking with my parents this afternoon where the water is calm and quiet as the county is distracted and emptying.

It’s good to be out on the water. It’s good to sit with nature. It’s good to try to look for joy. My mom feels it too, she says, how everything is so heavy, how every conversation can become so heavy. So let’s talk about happier things.

Like future plans, and the three pileated woodpeckers searching for ants on the fallen tree, and good stories.

The rain starts in the late afternoon and gives us all leave to retreat into a quiet evening before the week ahead.

With Love,
